Dark Winds, the popular crime thriller with a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, reveals its release date in a new trailer. Based on the Leaphorn & Chee books by Tony Hillerman, the adaptation debuted in June 2022 but experienced a surge in viewership recently when it was among a slew of AMC shows added to Netflix. The story puts a spotlight on Lt. Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee, played by Zahn McClarnon and Kiowa Gordon, respectively, with the second installment focusing on what happens when they both search for the same suspect.
The first teaser trailer for Dark Winds season 3 has been unveiled, ahead of the show’s return on March 9, 2025. The crime drama adaptation will air on AMC at 9 PM ET, in addition to being available to stream on AMC+. Unlike the previous two seasons, which each consist of six episodes, season 3 will feature eight episodes.
What The Dark Winds Teaser Trailer Reveals About Season 3
It Sets The Mood
The teaser trailer sets the tone of the series and provides audiences with a general sense of what to expect. In the preview that includes ominous narration, there are moments with characters breaking down and the lead protagonist doubting himself. Overall, a sense of danger and uncertainty prevails.
Dark Winds season 2 finally answered the mystery of who was behind the bombing as Joe Leaphorn’s revenge plans clashed with the law’s response.
The Verdict On Dark Winds Season 3
It’s Worth The While
The crime thriller adaptation has an argument to make as one of the most underrated series on television. With a Dark Winds cast that also includes Deanna Allison, Rainn Wilson, Elva Guerra, Jeremiah Bitsui, Eugene Brave Rock, and Noah Emmerich, among several others, the AMC show has a perfect Rotten Tomatoes score for both seasons and effusive praise from critics and has been cited by the likes of Stephen King. With just twelve episodes so far, there’s time to catch up on season 3.