Hailey Bieber has revealed her fitness secrets and it’s no surprise she has a detailed list of steps she goes through to keep fit.
Hailey Bieber has been modelling for years and after seeing her wedding pictures with her husband and singer, Justin Bieber, it’s evident the work she puts in is paying off.
Having started runway and campaign modelling when she was a teenager, the 22-year-old has trained herself to manage fitness while she’s on the road for work.
It seems she dabbles in a variety of exercise routines and we’re here to bring you her favourites.
Hot Pilates and hot yoga
JB’s wife owes her secret of lean muscles to hot Pilates after admitting it’s been a part of her fitness routine for two years now.
She told Us Weekly: “I first started going to a place in Brooklyn and then I discovered a place out here in LA that I’ve gone to for quite some time now.”
Explaining the amazing skin benefits of hot yoga, she added: “I find that when you do any hot class your muscles are more pliable, and you’re stretched out easier. You come out dripping in sweat and my face is like a tomato and it’s good for your skin! I love it! I’m obsessed and it’s addictive.”
Strength training
Keeping a strong core is admittedly one of Hailey’s secrets as she spends time with the infamous celebrity trainer, Kirk Meyers, while she’s in New York.
Kirk’s Dogpound gym is known for its model clients, and Hailey definitely doesn’t shy away as she can be seen in a string of videos on their Instagram page, working on getting her core toned.
She also told Byrdie she loves barre classes, saying: “I used to be a ballet dancer, so I enjoy those types of workouts.”
Balanced Diet
Balance is key and according to Hailey, she feels it’s the most important rule.
Speaking to Elle, she revealed what she typically eats in a day – admitting she usually eats eggs, oatmeal, or a smoothie for breakfast, while she opts for salad, fish or grilled veg for lunch.
“I don’t really eat a lot of gluten so I’m trying to be particular,” she added.
For dinner, she admitted she sticks to similar guidelines as lunch, saying: “Gluten free pasta, chicken maybe. Sometimes [I’ll do dessert].
“I really like the Magnum bars, obviously that’s a great one. [But I generally try to avoid] sugar. Sugar’s a big one for everyone, I think.”
Hailey admitted she is the first one to not shy away from a cheat day and doesn’t limit herself – after all, a balanced diet requires treats.
She said: “A cheat day for me, the first thing that I crave, I’ll eat. That’s my rule. So if I wake up and I want pancakes, I’m gonnna eat pancakes.
“If I want a cheeseburger for lunch or for dinner, I’m gonna eat it. If I want fries, I’m gonna eat the fries.”
We feel you on that one Hailz.
Occasional cleanse
Although she doesn’t tend to do it often, she admitted to People magazine that she occasionally goes through a cleanse to detox her body.
In the run-up to New York Fashion Week in 2016, she revealed that she was on a 10-day metabolic cleanse, saying: “It’s like a cleanse that you have to do with like protein powder and all this different stuff and you have to eat a certain type of way.
“I eat healthy regardless but it’s very much more scaled down. I’m trying to reset my body before I get into the craziness of all this traveling and running around.”
A cleanse she does take a bit more seriously is catching zzzs and we are so here for it!
She said: “Sleep is such a big one because I think when you’re traveling so much and you’re running around, you don’t realize how off your body gets.”
Mental health breaks
Hailey has opened up about the importance of being mentally healthy and talking to Glamour earlier this year, she revealed the tips she takes for improving her mind.
She said: “I like to nap. Honestly, I understand little kids when I nap. I’m like, ‘Oh, I get it’. This is really helpful and feels good. I also like to take a moment and listen to some music and chill.
“It’s so important, in my opinion, to find those moments for yourself. Especially when you’re around people all the time. Not only for work, but when you’re in a relationship too, and you’re with another person all the time.”
Recently marrying Biebs, the newlywed added the importance of remaining healthy in your mind while you’re committed to your beau.
“I think it’s important for both parties to be able to be like, ‘Hey, I need an hour to myself.’ For me, I actually enjoy running errands. I like having to go to the grocery store or the drugstore. It’s a weird therapeutic thing for me – [it helps me] to feel normal,” she said.
She also shared a post on Instagram at the start of this year expressing her normality with fans, opening up about the reality behind having struggles in life, saying: “So this year I’m gonna do my very best to just be ME and be confident with who I am.
“Cause I am enough, and I’m loved, and you are enough and you’re loved.”
Wise words from Mrs Biebz.