Foster , 61, comes from the old school. In it, television was frowned upon. “Real actors” made feature films.

Foster established himself in that world as early as 1976, thanks to hits like “Taxi driver” and “Bugsy Malone”. She reached her career peak in 1991, with the role of Clarice Starling in “When the lambs fall silent”.


Jodie Foster.

“True detective” is compared to “When the lambs fall silent”

The new series, an eerie tale set in the darkest month of winter at the Arctic Circle, has already been compared to the feel of the horror classic. Then she played an agent in search of a serial killer. Now she is a police officer trying to find out why eight scientists simultaneously disappeared from a research center in the wasteland.

But when Foster receives a reception at a West Hollywood hotel, she disagrees with the reasoning.

– I do not think that the two projects can be equated. But I welcome the comparison. There is something about the genre, be it horror, supernatural or thriller. So much of the horror is explored through intimate psychological drama between these characters. And that was something I loved about the script.

 Jodie Foster as Alaska Policewoman Liz Danvers. Press photo.


Jodie Foster in "The Silence of the Lambs".

“You were terrifying”

But it wasn’t love at first sight, confirms the series’ creator and director, Izza Lopez , who is in the hotel.

– You were terrifying that day, she says in the direction of Foster.

The actress laughs tentatively.

– I wasn’t convinced, but I loved the “True detective series”. So we met and I said some nasty things.

 Jodie Foster and Kali Reis in "True detective: Night country".

Opinions about the script

Lopez states that she had written a story about two women – one rock-solid and one on the verge of breaking down. Two total opposites.

For Foster, it was far from enough.

Lopez states that she listened until the actress was finished.

– We started talking about who this woman could be. I didn’t want to change my script. I believed in the two figures I had. But Jodie talked about a character full of flaws. Afterwards I asked if she wanted the character to be a jackass. She answered yes. I said it was something I could fix. So I made her a real badass (laughs).

 Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson.

Has revolved around male protagonists

“True detective: Night country” is the fourth, independent chapter in the series that originally premiered almost exactly ten years ago.

Back then, the story revolved around Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey.

The subsequent two chapters also revolved around male protagonists.

The fourth chapter thus breaks with that tradition.

Foster portrays Liz Danvers, a brittle, sarcastic, reassigned police chief in the small town of Ennis, Alaska.

Her (reluctant) partner is Evangline Navarro, played by former boxing champion Kali Reis . Navarro is a state police officer and belongs to the indigenous Inupiaq people

"True detective: Night country".

Recorded in Iceland

In the series, Iceland represents Alaska. Filming began in November 2022 and ended in April last year.

– We were all in Reykjavik. It was a big challenge to light the nights with snow and all the other elements. Strangely enough, we got the gods on our side. Just when we needed snow, the snow came and when it was called for it to be calm, it was calm, says Foster.

During a break from filming, she and Reis went to Alaska.

Foster states that she gained a completely different respect for that kind of climate than she had before.

– There is a survival aspect with places like northern Alaska and Greenland. How many hundreds of thousands died because they couldn’t make it? You kind of feel like you have to watch out. If the car breaks down or if you don’t have enough gas, you can die. I guess that’s one of the reasons why people are drawn there.

Jodie Foster in "True detective: Night country".

“I prefer to warn”

Los Angeles-born Foster herself is still attracted to the industry she started in when she was just three.

In recent years, she has parallel-worked as a director.

But that it must have led to her giving Lopez some tips during the recording of “True detective”, she shakes her head at.

– Tips are usually not something I deal with. There are moments when I drink cappuccino and think that this will never work. But it’s just annoying. People should be able to be creative and come up with new ways of doing things – not just follow the old, the tired, the proven.

– I prefer to warn, to talk about my experience. I can tell you guys might have a new way of doing it, but the last 35 times I’ve seen this tried, it’s ended up this way.

She smiles.

But sometimes I’m wrong.

Jodie Foster and Alexandra Hedison.

Nominated for awards

On Netflix, the reality-based “Nyad” is shown, where Foster plays a swimming coach opposite Anette Bening.

The latter portrays Diana Nyad and her attempt to become the world’s first woman to swim from Cuba to Florida.

The film has earned Foster nominations for several awards and the accolades for “True detective” are another feather in the cap for the actress who lives in Manhattan, New York with his wife Alexandra Hedison and Foster’s two sons.

– I am proud of our team, she says of the TV series, determined to share the glory.

Martin Scorsese, Jodie Foster and Alexandra Hedison at the 2024 Golden Globes.

“Happier than ever”

It is something that has emerged in recent days.

– It’s about realizing that it’s not my time anymore, that it’s someone else’s time and that I’m here to support them. It’s much more fun. It’s better to be part of a team than to be all alone and be bombarded.

When she looks ahead, it is new experiences that attract.

– I have been in the industry for 58 years. I don’t want to repeat some things I’ve already done. It could be stories I’ve already told. I’m really surprised that at 60 I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

Jodie Foster.