Keanu Reeves appears to have a good ability to stride through life with an air of coolness about him, and that extends to his appearances on talk shows.

The actor is one of those rare celebrities that pretty much everyone agrees is a cool dude, even if some of his recent movies have involved him killing a numerically significant amount of people.

It’s ok though, people feel like John Wick can shoot his way through a bunch of bad guys because they keep starting it, most famously by killing his dog.

Anyhow, Reeves was appearing on The Stephen Colbert Show and was chatting with the world’s biggest Lord of the Rings fan when he was asked a rather challenging question for a talk show.

“What do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?” Colbert asked him.

Blimey, as questions go on what’s supposed to be an entertaining talk show that one gets pretty damn heavy. Fortunately, Keanu Reeves was pretty unflappable and gave a very good response.

It was quite a question to deal with. (The Stephen Colbert Show)
It was quite a question to deal with. (The Stephen Colbert Show)

He said simply: “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.”

This drew sympathetic noises from the audience and some people also started applauding.

Reeves and Colbert would revisit the moment years later, and the actor said he’d stick with the same answer he gave back then.

Some people who watched the moment wondered what sort of question that was supposed to be as it really seemed to put Reeves on the spot, and thought he ‘answered beautifully’.

Plenty thought that the actor gave the ‘correct answer’ to an ‘impossible question’, saying that you ‘cannot go wrong whatsoever with that answer’.

It’s just one moment in a plethora from a career of Keanu Reeves being an all round nice guy people see as respectable.

People praised him for coming up with such a touching answer. (The Stephen Colbert Show)
People praised him for coming up with such a touching answer. (The Stephen Colbert Show)

Back when he was filming Dracula he said there was a moment when he and other people working on the film were meant to shout abuse at Winona Ryder in order to make her cry, but Reeves and some of his co-stars declined.

Elsewhere in his life he’s been seen taking time out of his day to play catch with a kid when he was on the way to a concert to perform with his band.

Oh yes, in case you didn’t know he plays bass for the band Dogstar which seems pretty cool.He’s managed to juggle that and his acting career, which has been going on for decades and will hopefully continue for many more.