Easily one of the most successful movie stars in the world today, Keanu Reeves has had an incredible career. On top of that, there is no doubt that many people have come to believe that Reeves may be the nicest guy in Hollywood as well, which makes him even more popular.

As a result of Reeves’ success and popularity, many people want to know more about him like who his mother is and whether he has any children. With that in mind, it is wild that so few of Reeves’ fans know that the actor once was sued for millions by a Canadian woman who claimed he fathered her kids.

Why Was Keanu Reeves Sued For $3 Million?

By the year 2010, Keanu Reeves had already been a major movie star for decades. After initially rising to fame thanks to Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Reeves went on to star in a slew of other movies that made him a massive deal for generations of moviegoers.

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter from Bill & Ted's Excellent AdventureVia: Instar

On top of having been famous for many, many years, it also was common knowledge that Reeves was rich as well. Thanks alone to his role in the first three Matrix movies that had already been produced by then, Reeves had been paid tens of millions.

Between Reeves’ fame and fortune, it is very safe to say that people had a lot of reasons to want to be associated with Reeves. With that in mind, it is a sad truth that there is a good chance that many people Reeves once knew came out of the woodwork to ask him for things.

Even after years of people wanting things from Reeves, the actor still likely wasn’t prepared for the position he once found himself in. In the year 2010, Reeves’ lawyers had to go to court to fight a lawsuit seeking a staggering amount of money from the movie star.

During Reeves’ time in the public eye, he has never been a controversial figure. Instead, there were years when fans were more interested in why Reeves looked so sad sitting on a bench than in any drama involving the actor.

However, if things worked out the way that a woman named Karen Sala wanted in the year 2010, Reeves’ personal life would have received a lot of attention. The reason for that is Sala made some pretty incredible claims about Reeves’ supposed involvement in her life.

According to a lawsuit Sala filed against Reeves, the actor was secretly leading the life of a family man for many years without the world knowing it. More than that, Sala alleged that Reeves has been a father since he was in his early-20s.

Keanu Reeves when he was youngerVia: Deposit Photos

In court filings, Sala claimed that Reeves was the father of her four children who were between 21 and 25 years old in 2010. That would have meant that Reeves father his first child in 1985 at the latest which was the same year the actor turned 21 years old.

Over the years, there have been stars who’ve turned out to have secret children. While an actor having four secret children with the same woman seems unlikely, it certainly is possible. That said, Sala’s claims didn’t end there.

Even though Sala previously was married and her ex-husband is listed as the father of her kids, she says Reeves was there for three of her children’s birth. Furthermore, Sala says that Reeves lived with her in the past.

Sala also claimed in court that she’d known Reeves since she was four or five, but he went by the name Marty Spencer. While Reeves and Sala both spent years growing up in Ontario, there is no indication that the actor ever went by another name, let alone Marty Spencer.

While Sala’s claims are pretty hard to believe at face value, her lawsuit hit a more substantive massive stumbling block. In an attempt to make the lawsuit go away, Reeves agreed to take a paternity test which confirmed that he was not the father of Sala’s kids.

Keanu Reeves holding his hands up like his surrenderingVia: Deposit Photos

Those test results didn’t slow Sala down. According to her, she could prove that Reeves was the father of her kids, but she didn’t bring the evidence to court. Sala also questioned the validity of the paternity test saying that it could have been tampered with.

Sala made one other claim in court that put her lawsuit in a different context. According to what Sala told the court, Reeves used disguises and hypnosis to pretend to be other people including her ex-husband.

How Did The Lawsuit Against Keanu Reeves End?

During Karen Sala’s lawsuit against Keanu Reeves, she made several claims that were hard to believe, to say the least. That wasn’t the only outlandish part of the Ontario woman’s lawsuit against Reeves, however.

In court, Sala sought so much money from Reeves that it is mind-blowing. In fact, if Sala had received exactly what she asked for from her lawsuit, Reeves would have been broke within a matter of months.

In Sala’s lawsuit, she started by asking for $150,000 a month in retroactive child support payments. It is unclear when Sala believed those retroactive monthly payments should have ended. Perhaps she wanted $150,000 a month for eighteen years. Amazingly enough, that would be cheap compared to what else Sala asked for.

Keanu Reeves looking sadVia: Deposit Photos

In addition to asking for child support, Sala also tried to get spousal support from Reeves in her lawsuit. While that is surprising enough, the really wild thing is she asked the court for $3 million per month in spousal support.

Given all the details of Sala’s lawsuit, it isn’t overly surprising that it got thrown out before going to trial. As Ontario, Canada’s Judge Fred Graham ruled, the claims made in the lawsuit were “so incredible” that no judge would hear the case. The judge also stated that to do so would be “a waste of limited judicial resources”.