Social media frequently calls The Matrix actor Keanu Reeves the nicest guy in Hollywood. He comes across as an endearing and sincere man in media interviews. As a result, audiences swoon over his casual style while also enjoying him in high-octane action sequences. Reeves recalled an endearing moment on the first day filming The Matrix with Lana and Lily Wachowski, which stuck with him after all of these years.
Keanu Reeves entered one of his most iconic roles in ‘The Matrix’
Keanu Reeves | Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic
Reeves’ breakout role was in 1989’s Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. However, many audiences quickly pigeonholed him as playing teenage roles. He would later break that mold. Reeves impressed audiences with the independent drama My Own Private Idaho. He ultimately became an action star in movies such as Point Break and Speed. This set his career in a totally different direction.
The Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure actor ultimately came back from box office failures with The Devil’s Advocate. The horror movie instantly boosted his ability to ask for more money in film contracts. However, his greatest level of stardom comes from 1999’s The Matrix. He starred in the sequels as Neo/Thomas A. Anderson, becoming a cultural icon around the world.
Keanu Reeves recalls an indearing moment on the first day filming ‘The Matrix’
The Reel Rejects brought Reeves onto the show to talk about The Matrix Resurrections. He answered a series of trivia questions surrounding the sci-fi action series. At one point, Reeves talked about one particularly endearing moment while filming The Matrix with the Wachowskis. He still remembers this endearing moment to this day. Reeves said:
“First day of filming on The Matrix was in the office. It’s when Agent Smith is coming in. The Wachowskis were working with a Steadicam that day ’cause they had a lot of shots to make. And I remember it was at the end of the day and they were walking away. I was walking behind them. They were both walking and they, without even looking at each other, they just went bam and gave each other like a low high-five. And I was just like, ‘Right on.’ Right on, we made our day, we did it.”
‘The Matrix Resurrections’ is a return to the franchise
The Matrix Resurrections is the fourth installment in the franchise. It sees Reeves reprise his role as Neo. Lana returned without her sister to direct the sequel solo. Critics and audiences gave The Matrix Resurrections mixed reactions. They praised the movie’s wit and heart, but they criticized its ability to capture the creativity of the original.
The Matrix Resurrections is supposedly the final installment that Wachowski plans to make. However, there’s no telling if Warner Bros. wants to return to the franchise again. The fourth installment certainly teased the notion of the major studio going on with a continuation without the original creators in the loop.