While the two characters eventually have the opportunity to date in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, their romance is very short-lived. After Cedric’s death in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry and Cho’s romance was practically doomed from the start. And while Harry and Cho’s relationship was clearly never meant to be long-term, Rowling used their disastrous dynamics to grow Harry as a character and depict the emotional rollercoaster that most young relationships endure. There are several reasons why it didn’t work out, but Cho’s grief and Harry’s inexperience played a major role.
Cho Chang’s Grief Weighs On Her Relationship With Harry In Order Of The Phoenix
Cedric’s Death Looms Over Them Both Throughout

Harry and Cho’s relationship is finally given a chance in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but much of it is overshadowed by the grief Cho feels over Cedric’s death. Given he had only passed a few months before the start of the school year, it’s understandable that she would have a hard time moving on and feel guilty for doing so rather quickly. However, Cho and Harry’s relationship got its start well before she and Cedric were an official item, and their long-standing history likely pushed their relationship to progress much faster than most.
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“Well, obviously, she’s feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she’s feeling confused because she liked Cedric, and now she likes Harry, and she can’t work out who she likes best. Then she’ll be feeling guilty, thinking it’s an insult to Cedric’s memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she’ll be worrying about what everyone else might say about her if she starts going out with Harry.”
—Hermione, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
But it’s clear from many of Cho and Harry’s interactions throughout the novel that she is nowhere near ready to be in another relationship, and had she given herself the time to grieve Cedric properly before moving on, she and Harry’s relationship might have stood a chance. As it was, many of their interactions depict her crying or having a hard time enjoying the time she had with Harry—which further strained the fragile beginnings of their romance. Being his first relationship, Harry is not well-equipped to deal with such emotions, and that becomes glaringly obvious throughout the book.
Jealousy Creates Problems For Harry & Cho’s Relationship Throughout Book 5
Harry Doesn’t Have The Experience Needed To Deal With Cho’s Feelings

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The two characters struggle to understand one another throughout much of Order of the Phoenix, and their miscommunication dynamic continues throughout the rest of the novel.
However, Harry is clueless as to how Cho is feeling about his friendship with Hermione, and instead is left feeling annoyed that Cho would bring up her past relationships while on their first date. The two characters struggle to understand one another throughout much of Order of the Phoenix, and their miscommunication dynamic continues throughout the rest of the novel. While Harry attempts to understand Cho better after Hermione explains their failed date from a female perspective, it ultimately comes to an end when Cho tries to defend Marietta for betraying the members of Dumbledore’s Army.
Marietta Betraying Dumbledore’s Army Is The Final Straw For Harry & Cho
Cho Tries To Defend Marietta’s Actions

It’s ultimately Cho’s defense of her good friend that puts the final nail in the coffin that was her and Harry’s relationship, as Harry has little sympathy for Marietta’s plight. Instead, Harry praises Hermione’s clever ingenuity in protecting Dumbledore’s Army and all they stood for — which only serves to reignite Cho’s jealousy towards their friendship. This scene pretty much concludes their relationship, and without really needing to voice it, it’s clear they have officially broken up. Their relationship was pretty much doomed from the start, but their opposing views on this matter truly convey how the two could never work long-term.
What Happens To Harry & Cho After They Break Up In Order Of The Phoenix
After Some Awkward Moments, The Two Ultimately Remain Cordial Friends

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Harry and Cho’s relationship in the Harry Potter novels was a disaster, but ultimately they were able to remain friends.
Cho only reenters the storyline when Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts in search of the remaining Horcruxes. It’s at this point that Harry is visibly shocked to see his ex-girlfriend among the other members of the DA and the Order, and it’s clear in this scene that Cho has remained loyal to their cause. Aside from the brief interaction in Deathly Hallows, Cho isn’t mentioned again throughout the novel — although it’s assumed she stayed to help fight. Harry and Cho’s relationship in the Harry Potter novels was a disaster, but ultimately they were able to remain friends.