Way back in 2000 when comedian Ellen DeGeneres first met Alexandra Hedison, Ellen thought she had found the love of her life. No, not Alexandra. At the time she was living with actress Anne Heche. They were supposedly totally in love with one another. Then one summer’s day, Heche just up and walked out, later having a psychotic episode that left her hospitalized.

Ellen was shattered. The next time she encountered Alexandra Hedison in 2001 something clicked and the two started dating. They were together until 2004 when some reports suggest DeGeneres tossed Alexandra over for her now-wife Portia de Rossi. The words “love at first sight” are often used relating to their fateful first encounter.

Hollywood native Alexandra is the daughter of TV and movie actor David Hedison. She tried the acting thing for a time. To tell the truth, she didn’t much like acting. More and more Hedison began focusing on her real love: photography. In 2002, while she was still with Ellen, she had her first photography show in Los Angeles.

After Ellen, Alex met and married actress/director Jodie Foster. They are apparently all loved up and doing just fine, thank you.

Let’s have a look at Alexandra Hedison, her thing with Ellen, and how she finally found true love with Jodie Foster.

Ellen And Alexandria

They first met in 2000, when Ellen was with actress Anne Heche. The relationship ended later in the year when one day Anne simply walked out the door and never came back. Ellen was a broken human being for a while. And later when she and Alexandra ran into one another in 2001 they became a couple almost immediately.

Alex was seen to be a stabilizing influence in Ellen’s sometimes hectic life.

The relationship was a very private one, with the two women pursuing their careers. Alexandra focused on her photography, putting together her first show in 2002. She is what is called a “fine arts” photography, which is a fancy term meaning sometimes you can tell what the picture is, and sometimes you can’t. She mostly does abstract landscape pictures.

And, as the world knows, in 2003 talk and game show host Ellen started her hit TV show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show. 

Everything seemed fine between the two. But Ellen and Alex’s relationship came to a screeching halt when Ellen met actress/model Portia de Rossi at the VH1 Awards in 2004. Ellen was still living with Alexandra and Portia was dating director Francesca Gregorini. It was like a wham-bam kind of thing, with Portia saying Ellen took her breath away. So Ellen broke it off with Alex and Portia dumped Francesca. And the rest, as they say, is history. Ellen and Portia have been married since 2008.

It was kind of embarrassing for everybody because at the same time Ellen and Alex were announcing their “amicable” split, The Advocate magazine was running a spread, photographed by Alex about how in love and together Alex and Ellen were. And suddenly they just weren’t in love and together anymore.

If the truth be told, Alex was more than a little upset at what she saw as Ellen’s betrayal. Did Ellen care? Not much. She was totally in love with Portia.

Alex’s salvation was her work. She focused hard on her photography, gaining an international reputation and prestigious shows all over the world.

And her acting? She was moderately successful in snagging roles in shows like Melrose Place and The L Word. She may have been born and raised in Hollywood and had an actor father. But she never really liked the job, saying “I was supporting myself, but I was miserable,” she told The New York Times. “Actors need to be front and center all the time. That’s not me.” Photography, she went on “makes me so happy”.

Enter Jodie Foster

Until 2013, Jodie Foster tended to dodge questions about her sexual orientation. Then when she received The Cecile B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award at the Golden Globes in 2013, her acceptance speech was also her “coming out” party.

Jodie and Alex began dating that year. They were seen together over the summer at Fox Studios and dining out with friends. So the rumors got going pretty fast. Both Jodie and Alex are extremely private people and refused to comment on what was going on.

According to a friend: “They are very private when they’re around people they don’t know. But when they’re together, it can be like they’re in their own world.”

Then they surprised everyone when they married in April of 2014. And it’s been a love fest ever since. The two are reportedly inseparable.

57-year-old Jodie does what she loves best: She acts in and directs films. She’s been at it since the was around 7-years-old. The Silence of the Lambs actress is that rare creature: A child actor who grew up to have a happy life. The couple was last seen happily self-isolating together.

And what about Alex? The 51-year-old is totally focused on Jodie and making her happy, as well as on developing her photography career. Jodie and Alex truly have a marriage made in heaven.