Galadriel in Rings of PowerMiddle-Earth has a history of being very male-dominated. The Hobbit had no female characters whatsoever and the main plot of The Lord of the Rings centered around the (all-male) Fellowship. Across all the writing he did on Middle-Earth’s history, the majority of his great heroes are men. Female Hobbits never got much focus and Dwarf women are famously referenced only in a single line of dialogue. To his credit, many of the women Tolkien wrote were strong characters. It was, after all, Eowyn who finally defeated the Witch-King of Angmar. But these tend to be the exception rather than the rule. Funnily enough, one of those exceptions ended up being one of his most interesting characters.

Galadriel, the Elven Queen known as the “Lady of Light,” appears throughout Tolkien’s writing as a beacon of good, the very antithesis of Sauron. She has been consistently portrayed as an immensely powerful and wise leader, who uses her skills to hold back the forces of darkness. She quickly became a fan favorite, a status bolstered by Cate Blanchett’s performance in the Peter Jackson movies. The Amazon series Rings of Power features a younger Galadriel during the Second Age, giving the beloved character a story of her own. Galadriel is a complex character with a long history, and there are a lot of things about her that will surprise fans.

She Is Older Than She Looks

Galadriel’s Been Around a Long Time

Galadriel in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

It is common knowledge that elves live longer than most races in Middle-Earth, and they do not age in the same way as humans or dwarves. However, it is easy to underestimate just how far back Galadriel’s history goes. Her birth pre-dates the First Age. She is actually older than some of Middle-Earth’s truly ancient beings and has lived through most of its recorded history.

She would have been around to see the dark age brought about by the giant spider Ungoliant or the massive dragon Ancalagon the Black, both truly ancient by the time of The Hobbit. Not many people, including other elves, can say they witnessed Sauron’s rise to power and his downfall. Is it any wonder that she has a reputation for being one of the wisest and most powerful people not just among her own kind, but of Middle-Earth itself?

She Has A Daughter

Galadriel Has a Complicated Personal Life

The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Arwen Cropped

Going purely on the movies, it is easy to forget that Galadriel had a complex personal life. Some fans will know she was married to an elf named Celeborn, but some might be surprised to learn they also have a daughter, Celebrien. Furthermore, Celebrian went on to marry Elrond, and their daughter was none other than Arwen. That actually means Galadriel is a grandmother by the time of Fellowship of the Ring.

One could easily be forgiven for not making this connection without diving deep into Tolkien’s writing, as Celebrian doesn’t appear in the Peter Jackson or Ralph Bakshi films. This is because, at the time of The Lord of the Rings, she isn’t actually in Middle-Earth. There was an incident in which she was kidnapped and tortured by orcs and, while she was eventually rescued, Celebrian was deeply traumatized by the experience and left for the Elven homeland of Valinor when it became too much to handle.

She Had A Problem With Her Uncle

Galadriel Really Didn’t Like Faenor

Elves in Rings of Power_Galadriel, Elrond, Gil-Galad

Being such a beacon of good, who shows nothing but compassion towards others, it can be hard to imagine someone like Galadriel making any enemies. At least, enemies that aren’t unambiguously evil dictators bent on the total conquest of Middle-Earth. But despite generally having a positive relationship with most of her family, Galadriel would find herself at odds with her uncle, Faenor.

He tried to request a lock of Galadriel’s hair on three separate occasions, all of which she refused. Faenor would go on to swear a “terrible oath” that he would hunt down Morgoth not to end his evil, but to reclaim the stolen Silmarils. That quest led to a “the ends justify the means” mentality that resulted in him becoming a war criminal who actually caused more problems for the elves.

She Is An Extremely Good Judge of Character

Galadriel Was Great at Understanding People

Gimli and Galadriel

Galadriel always had a gift of insight into other people. Whether she was simply very observant or could actually read people’s thoughts is disputed, but she knew how to discern who she could and could not trust. This is a skill that has been useful on many occasions, including once managing to identify an undercover Sauron when he fooled everyone else (a discovery that led to the creation of the Elven rings enabling them to resist Sauron’s corruption).

In the above-mentioned case of Faenor asking for a lock of Galadriel’s hair, she refused because she could see that something was seriously off about him, an intuition that would be proven right by Faeron’s oath. When Gimli makes the same request in The Fellowship of the Ring, Galadriel grants it specifically because she can see the good in him.

She Helped Prevent Elf Corruption

The Rings Are Powerful Tempters

The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Nenya Galadriel Cropped

As many fans already know, Sauron made a series of rings given to the dominant races of Middle Earth: three for elves, seven for dwarves, and nine for humans. The humans were eventually corrupted into the Nazgul, but what about the elves? Well, it’s a bit more complicated and Galadriel was a big part of that.

Thanks in part to her figuring out Sauron’s deception in advance, the three wielded by the elves would be made without his knowledge. Although not completely immune to Sauron’s influence, this made it significantly easier for the three to resist his power. Galadriel’s ring, Nenya, had powers she used to great advantage. While the One Ring was made to control, Nenya would be used to protect her Kingdom of Lothlorien from the forces of evil.