Their charisma and tragic stories have captivated audiences.
In Game of Thrones, the great houses of Westeros vie for the Iron Throne. But with so much going on, it can be easy to lose sight of the sidekicks who have had a huge impact on the storyline and kept fans hooked.
3. Gendry
Introduced in the very first season as the illegitimate son of King Robert Baratheon, Gendry immediately appealed to viewers with his unique charm, wit, and humility. Gendry’s storyline merged with Arya Stark’s arc, causing the character to receive much less attention.
Baratheon managed to survive Lannister captivity and even the quest beyond the Wall, but he never became a major figure in the battle for the Iron Throne. Fans were very disappointed that Gendry remained a sidekick whose potential was never fully realized.

2. Benjen Stark
The writers introduced Ned Stark’s younger brother in the first episode of the show’s first season as an incredibly mysterious figure who is the Night’s Watch’s best scout.
Benjen’s storyline did not develop until Jon Snow traveled to the Wall and discovered that his uncle was missing. The scout’s disappearance early in the series added intrigue to Game of Thrones.

However, Lord Winterfell’s younger brother was soon forgotten, occasionally appearing as a deus ex machina to save the heroes from impending doom.
Benjen was able to provide vital information and play an important role in the battle against the Night King. His unique position on the edge of life and death made him a valuable character with a fascinating arc, but the writers didn’t want to develop the Stark storyline.
1. Oberyn Martell
Arguably the most charismatic character on Game of Thrones, Oberyn, also known as the Red Viper, appeared in season 4 and immediately made a lasting impression on viewers. His quick wit and fearless character made him an instant fan favorite.
In his short time on screen, Martell sought justice from Tywin Lannister and revenge on the man who killed his sister and her children.

Oberyn got his chance in a duel with The Mountain. The Red Viper was adept with his spear, threw a barbed remark, but fell victim to his arrogance. Fans still wish the writers had given them at least a few more episodes with the beloved Martell.