The Legend of Vox Machina follows a ragtag group of miscreants known as Vox Machina. A motley crew of rogues and thieves, the group takes on a mission to slay a dragon in exchange for treasure but instead finds themselves the erstwhile protectors of the kingdom Exandria. Comprised of half-elf twins, a gunslinger, two gnomes, a druid, a barbarian, and a bear, Vox Machina is a foul-mouthed, bawdy, and magical band of unexpected heroes whose very charm lies in their extreme inappropriateness for the role of saviors. Backed by fans and approved by critics, The Legend of Vox Machina is the best fantasy series currently airing on Prime Video.
A Ragtag Band Charting Fantastic Misadventures in The Legend of Vox Machina
A profanity-laced adult animation series, The Legend of Vox Machina is a light and fun adventure that interweaves magic and hedonistic charm. With a vibrant, wild, and engaging crew of characters, the series is a compelling tag-along in which even a casual viewer will be delighted. The main characters are fully developed with well-toned arcs and compelling motivations that are continued throughout the series. The relationship between the main protagonists is solid. The characters are played with an energetic humor that leads to a welcoming camaraderie that counts as a series strength. Of note: the series relies heavily on humor that leans towards raunchy. Viewers who do not like a bawdy sort of humor might find this hard to overlook.
The animation for The Legend of Vox Machina is impressive as well. With the action of the series stretching off across fiery hellscapes, desolate villages, and mystical chateaus, the breadth of scenery that is explored makes the world feel expansive. In this vast world, battles against demons, vampires, and dragon armies are drawn out in fantastic detail. The fight sequences are layered. Magical strikes sting the air in between physical attacks delivered with gruesome imagery. This combination creates action sequences that are a cinematic dream.
The Legend of Vox Machina Was Kickstarted and Approved by Fans
The series is based on the Kickstarter-funded Vox Machina campaign of the Dungeons and Dragons web series Critical Role. Raising over $11 million in 45 days, the campaign far surpassed its initial $750,000 goal and raised over $1,000,000 within the first hour. The project broke records as the fastest-funded and most successful TV and film project on Kickstarter. The Kickstarter campaign produced the initial series of 10 animated episodes. In 2019, Amazon acquired the streaming rights for the series and ordered an additional 14 episodes for the series to complete Seasons 1 and 2. The majority of the Critical Role cast reprised their roles with the series’ move to Amazon.
The Legend of Vox Machina has a 100% critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Audience scores for the series are not far behind, sitting at a stellar 95%. On Metacritic, the series has universal acclaim from critics, while viewers rated the show a 7.9 out of 10. Fans of the series have called it highly entertaining as well as a must-watch for fantasy and DnD lovers. Particular highlights were the adult humor, exotic locations, as well as the established character arcs. On Amazon’s platform, the series holds an almost 5-star review from over 5,000 audience ratings.
The minds behind The Legend of Vox Machina are currently on their third Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Creative and voice talent Matthew Mercer, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel, and Ashley Johnson are continuing to explore the world of Exandria with weekly podcast adventures on their website. Critical Role’s second Dungeons & Dragons campaign has already been picked up by Amazon. The series, Mighty Nein, does not yet have a release date, however Amazon released a teaser trailer for the upcoming adult animation series at this year’s Comic Con.
The third season of The Legend of Vox Machina premiered on October 3, with new episodes released weekly on Thursdays. Along with the Critical Role crew, the additional cast included Lance Reddick, Kelly Hu, Gina Torress, Indira Varma, and Stephanie Beatriz. Though DnD based, the series is accessible to newcomers and those unfamiliar with the Dungeons and Dragons world. With wild and endearing characters charting out on world-traipsing adventures, The Legend of Vox Machina is the best fantasy series airing on its streaming platform. The Legend of Vox Machina is available to stream on Prime Video.