Sarah and Pope Are Trapped and Cleo Wants Revenge

By the end of Outer Banks Season 4, Part 1, Sarah and Pope are trapped in life-threatening circumstances, and Cleo’s emotions reach a breaking point. The Pogues end up at a church, and Pope figures out they need to head down to the crypt below to search for additional clues. They end up having to hide from Lightner and Dalia (Pollyanna McIntosh). When Pope and Sarah try to escape, a tumultuous storm hits the catacombs. The heavy rain suggests the crypt will flood. However, the Pogues are often put in life-or-death situations, so this is nothing new for the series.
Meanwhile, Cleo vows to avenge Terrance’s death. Before this, Lightner had Terrance’s help. But when Terrance realized Cleo was involved, he wanted to prevent Lightner from killing Cleo and the Pogues but ended up shot dead by Lightner himself. Cleo ends up in a physical fight with Lightner when they meet in Charleston, and just as he’s about to kill her, they are spotted by passing bystanders. Dalia calls Lightner off, but clearly this is unfinished business for both of them. Terrance’s death changes Cleo as a character, and it’ll likely impact her as she grieves the loss of a father figure. It seems Cleo can’t bottle up her emotions any longer. This loss could motivate Cleo and make her more ruthless in her encounters with Lightner in the future.
John B’s Emotional Trauma Comes to the Surface
As Dalia and Lightner escape, Cleo asks John B to make sure to get them as she recovers from their attack. John B grabs a gun and chases the mercenaries. This is when John B’s PTSD rears its ugly head. Instead of killing Lightner, he experiences traumatic flashbacks of when his father, Big John (Charles Halford), killed two men in cold blood in front of him.
Since his father sacrificed himself in South America to save the Pogues from Ward Cameron (Charles Esten), overwhelming grief is waging a war on John B. It’s clear from this scene that John B never got the chance to process the loss of his father or the trauma of their journey. John B is the leader of the Pogues, and since the rest of the crew relies on his strength, this newfound vulnerability could serve as a major obstacle.
The Truth About JJ’s Biological Parents Comes Out
Perhaps the most shocking Season 4 reveal is that JJ’s biological father is Chandler Groff. His mother is Larissa Genrette (Lilah Pate), who drowned years ago on a boat called The Albatross. This is revealed when JJ stays on Kildare Island instead of going to Charleston. He gets a letter from the man who originally sent them on the Blackbeard treasure hunt. The late Wes Genrette tells JJ to ask his father, Luke (Gary Weeks) about “Albatross,” at which point Luke reveals he isn’t JJ’s biological father. JJ’s grandfather is Wes, and it looks like Chandler Groff might have killed Wes Genrette to get his estate.
This also means JJ is the rightful heir to the Genrette fortune and Goat Island (the reported location of where the treasure could be). This will shake JJ to his core because of his hatred of the Kooks. JJ’s realization he is a Kook is likely to have a huge impact on his identity and his concept of who he is. Out of everyone, JJ identified the most with being a Pogue. Little has been revealed about how he ended up with Luke though Luke speaks very fondly of Larissa. Much of JJ’s character was established through his identity as a Pogue, which are now evolving in ways no one anticipated. A plethora of JJ’s backstory revolved around his complicated relationship with Luke, who has a history of emotionally and physically abusing JJ. But, is Chandler Groff much better of a replacement for Luke when it comes to a father figure?
Hollis Robinson and Chandler Groff’s Alliance Will Define Part 2
The final revelation of Season 4, Part 1 is the fact that Chandler Groff is allying with Hollis Robinson. Hollis has spent all season trying to lurn Rafe (Drew Starkey) into her real estate scheme. Hollis did this by bribing Rafe’s girlfriend, Sofia (Fiona Palomo). Since Sofia thinks that Rafe looks down on her for being a Pogue, she urges him to work with Hollis knowing it’s a scheme. However, Hollis is more manipulative than anyone could have expected.
She and Chandler have a plan together, and while we’re not yet aware of the specifics of their scheme, it doesn’t look good for the Pogues or Goat Island. This region has an abundance of hidden treasure, which puts both Hollis and Chandler at odds with his son JJ and the rest of the Pogues. Regardless, since the Pogues are distracted by Dalia’s team, they’ll need help if they want to save the Cut!
Ultimately, Season 4, Part 1 left us with enough unanswered questions to stir up excitement for the second half of the season. The impact of Chandler Groff being JJ’s father is bound to cause chaos for the Pogues and personal turmoil for JJ. On top of that, it’s not clear whether Chandler Groff made his alliance with Hollis with the knowledge JJ is his son. John B’s PTSD will also impact the overall strength of the group, given his position within the Pogues as the defacto leader. It seems turmoil is impacting nearly everyone, as even Cleo’s emotions are festering and influencing her decisions. There’s a lot more ground to cover before the end of Season 4, and we’re ready for more!