what’s up space pirates this is your
captain The Dread pirate doct disaster
and you know it’s wild to think that
Sony could release a
$700 PS5 with no disc drive and still be
only the second biggest loser of the
week in the gaming industry but Ubisoft
seems bound and determined to take that
title and become Kings of the
losers okay okay
okay yes yes yes Star Wars Outlaws has
destroyed Ubisoft stock value so
completely that you would think that KES
was a robot sent from the future to do
exactly that Ubisoft stock price has
been dropping daily by ridiculous
amounts and yesterday as an example they
plummeted another 10 points with that in
mind you’d think that Ubisoft would be
pretty damn careful with the message
discipline right about now you’d think
they would want to avoid controversy at
all costs considering that they have
lost damn near half the company’s total
value since July holy however this
Ubisoft mentorship program that
explicitly excludes men was just
discovered yesterday they made a point
of telling Gamers that they would ensure
that games that they paid for would have
offline modes available reversing course
on their stance that we need to be
comfortable not owning their games but
this Mentor program crap shows that
Ubisoft really doesn’t give a rat’s ass
about anything beyond their ridiculous
commitment to Dei they want to
trick us into supporting them again but
Gamers aren’t fooled by these jackasses
any longer which is why their stock
keeps plummeting be a good little fella
now and open the door
sh sh
sh all right me Hardies make sure you
like this video And subscribe to the
channel if you haven’t yet and also
don’t forget to follow me on Twitter
where I keep a list of woke and Dei
infected games pinned to my account for
your reference my handle on the platform
is Dr disaster 1 but anyways let’s put
all the cards out on the table for
Ubisoft here somehow this company has
lost damn near half its market value
since July 17th now what is so
significant about that date you might be
wondering well that was the day of the
shareholder meeting where investors
grilled the CEO of the company about the
poor reception to the Star Wars Outlaws
footage that had been circulating the
internet Gamers were grilling it saying
it was sloppy looking and buggy looking
and just plain bad but the CEO did
nothing to make them feel better he simp
said that new footage would show that
the game was great and he insisted that
the game had gone gold meaning they were
done working on it naturally the stock
price dipped because wise investors
could see the writing on the wall fast
forward to now and for the past week and
a half ever since the launch weekend of
Star Wars Outlaws and the news that
sales were disappointing for the game
the company has been hemorrhaging
investor support remember I have been
talking about this for months now I have
been saying that this company
desperately needed a win with these
games with Star Wars Outlaws and
Assassin’s Creed Shadows they needed
wins with these or else the was
going to hit the fan now I don’t mean to
toot my own horn but I’m going to take a
Victory lap here I Told You So sounds so
good coming out of my own mouth I knew
that Ubisoft would be in deep trouble if
this game flopped and I knew knew it
would flop as soon as I set my eyes on
this homely female knockoff of Han Solo
but check out this statistic as of the
time of this recording which is prior to
the Stock Market opening again for the
day ubisoft’s value is roughly
53% of what it was back on July 17th
after yesterday’s 10% drop the market
cap for the company is currently 1.54
billion e if you do the math that means
that back in July they peaked at € 2.87
billion EUR meaning that Star Wars
Outlaws has cost the company 1 and 13
billion e in investment dollars that is
catastrophic at a level even beyond what
I expected and now we have this crap
right here this develop at Ubisoft
program where they insist on pushing
only women forward in their company they
refuse to acknowledge that it’s exactly
this attitude here that is costing them
dearly this focus on immutable
characteristics is crushing them both
within the company and within their
games people don’t like this stuff but I
don’t need to tell you why this is
rotten let’s allow them to tell you
themselves their page here says with
more people playing video games than
ever before it is important for us to
help build an inclusive entertainment
industry that reflects the diversity of
our players blah blah blah let’s skip
down to the header there where it talks
about eligibility criteria it says to be
eligible you must identify as a woman or
a non-binary individual and really the
rest of the qualifications don’t matter
the important point is that this company
is bound and damn determined to fit that
square peg into the round hole they are
bound and determined to only do things
that would suit the modern audience they
are bound and determined to try to push
women into video games despite the fact
that now I know there are plenty of
talented ladies out there who likely do
killer work in the industry and I don’t
mean to disparage them but we have to
acknowledge this reality the vast vast
majority of Gamers and people interested
in making games are men sure there are
outliers but most of the gamers out
there are dudes and when you cut off the
vast majority of potential applicants
from being able to advance in a company
well let’s just say that isn’t good for
the company as evidenced by the dog
products that these people have put out
recently ostensibly they mean well but
I’m at the point where I no longer
believe that the powers that be in these
corporations are anything but despicable
self-interested rats and it’s glorious
to watch them get their comeuppence now
this news of the sexist Mentor program
didn’t surface until a bit later in the
day yesterday so it’s hard to imagine
that it caused any of the stock droppage
yesterday it’ll be interesting to see
what happens to the stock prices today
but I’m going to leave it there drop
your mockery of Ubisoft in the comment
section below and we will talk there
thanks for watching me Hardies if you
haven’t already your captain is inviting
you to subscribe to the channel and
become a part of the crew Life as a
space pirate may not be glamorous but
there’s always plenty of booty