Insiders close to the development of the Star Wars: Eclipse video game have come forward to blow the whistle on Disney and Lucasfilm’s alarming mandate that all white playable characters be eliminated from the upcoming title.
A lightsaber battle in Star Wars: Eclipse – YouTube, Quantic Dream
This scoop comes from YouTube creator Endymion, who spoke with a number of sources close to Quantic Dream and Disney/Lucasfilm for more than two hours. According to these sources, the game could be in development for another five years.
Despite a strong story and narrative elements that Endymion claims are worth getting excited over, Disney inserted DEI mandates into the game’s production, mandating that there be ample inclusion of Pride values and no white playable characters.
Watch the full story in Endymion’s video, featured below.
“From what I was told, there was originally about two white playable characters in the game,” Endymion said. “But this has also now changed as well. I wasn’t told names of the characters or anything, but there’s this one white woman in the trailer. This character is no longer a white woman anymore. She was one of the playable characters but Disney apparently forced Quantic to make her a black woman, citing that they were completely against white representation within the game. The only other white character, from what I’m told, is a man who ends up getting gravely injured and becomes a cyborg or some sort of robot.”
According to Endymion’s sources, Disney refused to allow any heroic white representation in Eclipse whatsoever. This mandate came directly from the company, and also, Endymion revealed, the Pride-centric advocacy group GLAAD, which has apparently been providing marching orders to studios throughout the entertainment world and narrative design companies like Sweet Baby Inc.
From what Endymion said, GLAAD has allegedly been behind this shift toward more genderless diverse content, working with companies like Sweet Baby Inc. to make sure the gaming industry falls in line.
“GLAAD, as I’m told, has insane amounts of power when it comes to what they want to see in media,” Endymion said in his report. “So much so (that) they can even stand shoulder too shoulder with places like Disney when it comes to injecting DEI into content going forward. As I said in my previous video, Rockstar is riddled with DEI, and from this same source, they told me that Rockstar is also very heavily invested and influenced by the power of GLAAD.”
Crossed lightsabers in Star Wars: Eclipse – YouTube, Quantic Dream
He goes on to say that Disney, via Lucasfilm and its much maligned studio head Kathleen Kennedy, are moving Star Wars even further away from traditional family values. They’re injecting Pride ideology and identity politics into all projects moving forward.
Endymion notes that there’s a board within Lucasfilm composed of Kathleen Kennedy loyalist cronies that have the power to veto any projects involving the Star Wars IP. And, apparently, they’re incredibly hands on in one particular area.
“Disney would make demands to Quantic Dream to enforce things like non-gendered presentation within Eclipse as well,” Endymion said. “What this means is Disney mandated that Quantic dream add stuff like male aliens in female clothing.”
(L-R): Osha Aniseya (Amandla Stenberg) and the Stranger in Lucasfilm’s THE ACOLYTE, season one, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Endymion also revealed that Eclipse takes place in the High Republic Era, much like the canceled Disney+ series The Acolyte, three hundred years before the birth of Luke Skywalker.
“The goal of Eclipse, according to my sources, was a broader initiative by Disney as a whole,” Endymion said. “They want to redefine what Star Wars is to the audience at large. There are multiple projects that are a part of this initiative, the first being, of course, The Acolyte, which unsurprisingly is also in the High Republic era. Eclipse is also a part of this agenda going forward too as I’m told the goal here is to transition Star Wars from what it was into an exclusively non-white non-straight future going forward.”
A Neimoidian in Star Wars: Eclipse – YouTube, Quantic Dream
He said that the exact terminology used by his sources was that, “Disney wants to peel away the whiteness from Star Wars specifically.”
“While Sweet Baby is a big problem for sure, GLAAD is the puppet master pretty much for all of this,” Endymion said. “GLAAD tells Sweet Baby how high to jump and then they just do as they’re told.”
Will you play Star Wars: Eclipse when it comes out? Do you think Disney is working to actively erase white characters from Star Wars? Sound off and let us know your thoughts!