You ever feel bad about killing an NPC in a video game? I know they’re just digital pieces of information, but when said NPC is friendly or helpful, it makes me feel a little guilty about offing them.
Especially when it’s accidental or, worse, you only do it because they had an item you really wanted.
In Skyrim, NPC deaths are frequent and expected.
They have a habit of just wandering up to fire-breathing dragons and getting rocketed into the stratosphere by giants, and Bethesda made some of them so condescending that I often just kill them myself (looking at you, Nazeem).
If you’re the type to mercilessly kill every NPC you come across, you probably don’t experience those aforementioned pangs of guilt.
You might change your tune however, once you discover the awful fate in store for any named character you murder in Skyrim.
The Elder Scrolls VI is coming .. eventually.
As the user hiddenskyrim revealed on Tumblr recently, it turns out that named NPCs get transported to an afterlife of sorts once they die.
Dubbed “The Room of Death” by hiddenskyrim, the actual name of said room’s location ID is “WIDeadBodyCleanupCell” – or Dead Body Cleanup Cell as it’s more commonly referred to.
Once the corpse of an NPC disappears in Skyrim, this is where they’ll end up – in this David Lynch-esque, Splatoon-coloured hellscape.
If you fancy seeing what it looks like instead of visiting it yourself, here’s a video of the area from the YouTuber Backlog Gamers who, uh, seems to have amassed quite the impressive kill count.
If you do want to visit it though, you can find the instructions and console commands necessary to do so on The Elder Scrolls wiki.
Just be warned, visiting the Dead Body Cleanup Cell does have a tendency to make your game crash.
Pretty funny that even the debug rooms in Bethesda games aren’t impervious to bugs.