Keanu Reeves holding his hands up like his surrendering

It is hard to contemplate that fans would know Keanu Reeves by any other name, but the actor had his share of strife at the beginning of his distinguished career. Fans remember him from a variety of movie genres, including the John Wick movies, The Matrix, Speed, and even modern Shakespeare adaptations, like 1993’s Much Ado About Nothing.

Besides being a household name and Hollywood royalty, Keanu Reeves is also a genuinely wonderful human being and fans think of him as the best person in the world.

Yet, he struggled with his unique name when he got his start in Hollywood and pondered some interesting choices before settling for his real name.

What Is Keanu Reeves’s Real Name?

Keanu Reeves spotted at The Jimmy Kimmel Live! Show Studios
via: Instar

It may come as a surprise to some fans, but unlike many other celebrities who became movie and TV stars, Keanu’s real name is the name fans know him under.

Born Keanu Charles Reeves, the actor did not have any issues with his given name in his youth, even through his stint in hockey, a sport he excelled in and loved.

However, as he decided to try his hand at movies, he encountered an interesting (and upsetting for fans) problem. His agents decided that his given name was not going to work in his favor as an actor.

Many actors are working under assumed names and are happy to have a different identity in real life. However, there is no indication that Keanu had any reason to want to change his name just to act in movies.

The Reason Keanu Contemplated Changing His Name

Keanu Reeves The WatcherVia YouTube

However, his agents had different ideas. Considering his name was “too ethnic”, they encouraged Keanu to find a different name, one that had more chances of being remembered by his audience.

“I got my first car when I was 20, and I drove to Hollywood. Of course, when I got here, they wanted to change my name. Yeah, they were like, ‘Keanu, it’s too ethnic,'” the star told SmartLess podcast about what transpired when he first decided to become an actor.

This is typical for the 1980s when agents and producers wanted everyone to conform to a particular idea that Hollywood had cultivated in audiences, namely that only certain names had the right all-American sound about them.

With his unique name, Keanu didn’t fit the mold, his agents thought, rightfully angering the future star.

“I remember I had driven across the country and I remember they told me… I was driving up and down along the beach in Santa Monica going, ‘What the f***?” he said.

Upset, but deciding to go ahead with what could only be termed “malicious compliance,” Keanu tried to come up with different names that would appease his agents. He considered the name “Templeton” and, closer to home, he contemplated going by “K.C. Reeves,” which was making use of his first and middle name initials.

However, he ran into a problem.

“I had auditions, and they’d be like, ‘K.C.,’ and I wouldn’t even look up,” he said on the same podcast, pointing out that he was not familiar with the name and had trouble expecting anyone to call him that.

Keanu Reeves Tried Out Some Stage Names, Too

Talking to Jimmy Fallon, whom he once snubbed without even remembering that he did, Keanu revealed an even funnier name that he suggested to his agents.

He said he turned to the ocean for inspiration with a new name that would please everyone.

“I go to the ocean, because this is a big deal for me, right? It’s my name. It’s my name!,” the actor told Jimmy, adding that the ocean suggested the rather hilarious moniker of “Chuck Spadina.”

If his managers thought “Keanu” was “too exotic,” fans can only imagine their reaction to their protégé’s choice of the old-fashioned “Chuck.” They unilaterally rejected the name.

Keanu made a third and last attempt to find a suitable name, coming up with “Templeton Page-Taylor.” For reasons he didn’t expand on in the interview, his agents didn’t like this alternative any better, so Keanu decided (for the better) not to change his name after all.

In the same SmartLess podcast, Keanu explained his reasoning.

“Eventually, I went back to my agents, and I was like, ‘I can’t change my name’,” he said.

He added, “One of the first plays I ever did, I was playing John Procter and one of the lines is like, ‘Because it is my name because I can have no other,’ and that was just running through my head.”

What Is Keanu’s Ancestry?

Why does Keanu Reeves always take his mom to red carpet events?via: Instar

It is fair to wonder how Keanu ended up with his unique first name and whether this has something to do with his ancestry.

Keanu was born in Lebanon and is the son of an English mother, Patricia Taylor, and an American father. His father has Native Hawaiian ancestry, but the actor also has a blend of Portuguese, English, Chinese, and Irish heritage. Keanu had an interesting childhood, growing up in Toronto, Sydney, and New York.

When it comes to his ancestry, Keanu has discussed his ethnicity in various interviews. “My relationship to my Asian identity, it’s always been good and healthy. And I love it,” he mentioned, referring to his Chinese Hawaiian roots.