Matthew McConaughey talks about success, failure, and vanity.
Matthew McConaughey is one of the most respected and talented actors in Hollywood. Although his skills shine when he is in front of a camera, he has gained a reputation for another great trait. The actor is known for being very humble and grounded in reality, often shying away from the limelight and public attention.
Matthew McConaughey’s Words of Wisdom
In 2016, Matthew McConaughey gave a talk at the University of Houston (via YouTube). This speech has been regarded as one of the most inspirational, and there is a reason for it. The actor took inspiration from his own life to give guidance to the newly graduated class, and it is safe to say that the message was received. In this, he talked about how one approaches their successes and failures.
McConaughey mentioned that one should not put oneself on a pedestal, as it can have a very negative effect on their life. If one is already up in the sky, they may not think they need to go higher and end up becoming stationary. Instead, he believes that one should not be too impressed with their achievements. They should focus on all that they can do instead of all that they have already done.
The sooner that we become less impressed with our life, with our accomplishments, with our career, with whatever that prospect is in front of us, the sooner we become less impressed and more involved with that and these things, the sooner we get a whole lot better at doing it.
Knowing that this is the standard McConaughey holds himself to, it is not surprising that he is as humble as he is.
Matthew McConaughey on The Road to Achieve Success
Matthew McConaughey then talked about how he believes success can be achieved. He started by talking about the definition of the word itself, stating that it was very subjective. That people must understand what they believe success to be, and only then can they move towards achieving it. Using the analogy of a plant, he described planting a seed and watering it every day; taking care of it so that it can grow to what we want it to.
So first, we have to define success for ourselves. And then we have to put in the work to maintain it. Take that daily tally. Tend to our garden, keep the things that are important to us in good shape.
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Difficulties are inevitable, and the actor touched on them during this talk. He stated that believing life is easy is a slippery slope that many fall down, only to hit rock bottom. He talked about a system that makes everyone think that living will be easy so that they can play the victim when it is not.
Life is not easy. It is not. Don’t try to make it that way. Life’s not fair. It never was,, it isn’t now, and it won’t ever be. Do not fall into the trap, the entitlement trap of feeling like you’re a victim. You are not. Get over it and get on with it.
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He gave a harsh awakening to the students there about the realities of life, believing that the moment they realize that is when they can actually live and be successful. Knowing that this is McConaughey makes the actions he takes in her personal life all the more meaningful.