Fans don’t need extra proof to know Keanu Reeves is literally the best person ever. Not only is Keanu Reeves among the top performers in Hollywood, but he also has an ability to treat everyone around him with respect, and that holds true for his fans.

Despite his popularity and humble mindset, Reeves has been involved in some tough situations in the past. One in particular took place alongside his band, Dogstar. Let’s just say the group hasn’t enjoyed the same type of success compared to Keanu’s career.

In the following, we’re going to take a closer look at Keanu’s toughest times with the group, and how fans turned on the band in the past. We’ll reveal when things went wrong, and how Reeves himself feels about the band.

Let’s get started.

The Only Time Keanu Reeves Was Genuinely Booed By Fans

Keanu Reeves And His Band Dogstar Received A Harsh Reaction After Playing At A Heavy Metal Festival

Keanu Reeves getting booed? It can’t be… Well, it did happen, but it wasn’t because of his acting career. As most fans are aware, Reeves also has a passion for music, but it wasn’t always well received by listeners. That especially holds true for metal fans. Keanu and Dogstar caught a big break early on, opening for acts like Bon Jovi and David Bowie.

However, they had some bad experiences and one took place at Metal Fest back in 1992. The issue here is the fact that Dogstar plays kind of an alternative style, and that’s not what the fans were looking for at the festival. Keanu admitted the reaction among the fans wasn’t a positive one.

Keanu revealed why he once got booed offstage. “We played Milwaukee Metal Fest. Got killed,” Reeves told GQ. “I think we played close to Murphy’s Law. Imagine. So we played a Grateful Dead cover … We were like, ‘They hate us. What are we doing here? What can we do? Let’s do the Grateful Dead cover.’ They were just like, ‘F*** you, you suck.’ I had the biggest grin on my face, man.”

It was a tough moment for the group and an ego-crusher for sure. Nonetheless, it wasn’t the only time Keanu and his bandmates faced a negative reaction from the audience.

Keanu Reeves Had Another Negative Experience With Dogstar, Getting Pelted With Fruit

It was another high pressure situation for Keanu Reeves and Dogstar, playing at Glastonbury in 1999. It was a tough act at the festival as the group were put on the same stage as Queens Of The Stone Age. With the bar incredibly high, fans were disappointed and, according to Far Out, the end result was Dogstar getting pelted with fruit during their set.

Far Out described why things went wrong for the band.

“The Glastonbury audience were less than impressed with his musicianship and grew tired of his lack of dialogue with the crowd. With the atmosphere growing tenser, soon the situation would dramatically worsen and result in Reeves being pelted with fruit during the notorious set.”

Stuart Miller of The Guardian also issued a review, and it wasn’t kind. “The uniqueness of the event was marked, too, by the arrival of Keanu Reeves, Hollywood’s movie star-cum rock musician. He appeared briefly backstage with fellow members of his band Dogstar to pose for press photographers.

He continues, “Declining to give autographs and mumbling a few incoherent words, he looked even more bewildered by Glastonbury than he does generally on screen. On stage he found little to endear him to the event – unimpressed members of the audience hurled oranges and other fruit at his bass guitar.”

Another forgettable moment for the group, but at the very least, Keanu Reeves was not naive to his band’s downfall.

Keanu Reeves Admits The Band Wasn’t Very Good

Keanu Reeves was well aware of the struggles surrounding his band. “I guess it would have helped if our band was better.” Keanu still has memories of the day in 1992 which saw things go completely wrong. Keanu admitted everything they were doing was wrong.

“We were like, ‘They hate us. What are we doing here? What can we do? Let’s do the Grateful Dead cover.’ They were just like, ‘F— Y–, you suck.’ I had the biggest grin on my face, man.”

Despite the downs, the band had a blast playing together and in addition, it was announced that Dogstar was returning with a new album and tour. “We are so excited to announce our new album Somewhere Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees out on October 6 on our label Dillon Street Records,” the IG post reads.

Credit to Keanu and the group for keeping the dream alive and reviving the band all these years later, despite the hardships they faced in the past.