True Detective: Night Country star Kali Reis weighs in on the criticism that the show received shortly after its release. This HBO anthology crime series, which started off in 2014, follows a new mystery every season, and Night Country served as a departure from the show’s previous formula. It was overseen by a new showrunner, Issa López. Reis played Evangeline Navarro, and the rest of the True Detective season 4 cast included names like Jodie Foster, Fiona Shaw, Christopher Eccleston, and John Hawkes.
Now, following the numerous Emmy nominations that True Detective: Night Country recently received, Reis tells The Hollywood Reporter that the nominations fulfill the creative team’s intentions. These nominations come against a backdrop of criticism from various viewers, and even some members of the show’s previous seasons. Reis added that the biggest accolade is the fact that the Indigenous people of Alaska were properly represented in the show. Read her full quote below:
Overall, it was an amazing story to be a part of and tell, especially under such a beloved entity as True Detective. Everything is not for everyone, and of course, people are going to say what they’re going to say. But, having this experience with the naysayers and now having 19 nominations, it’s not that we needed the validation; it’s just a testament to our intentions. The intention was to do the best we could to tell this great story that we loved, and so these Emmy nominations are an added bonus.
Personally, the biggest accolade is the fact that the people we represented, the Indigenous people of Alaska, were really proud to see themselves. So these Emmy nominations are again just an added bonus, but if I was going to be human, I’d be like, “Alright, 19 nominations? That’s kind of a mic drop.” So you can say what you want, but everything isn’t for everyone, and it’s an honor to have these nominations.
What Did Critics Say About True Detective Season 4?
Since the inception of True Detective in 2014, the anthology series has received varying reactions from critics and audiences alike. Season 1 was very well-received, boasting a 91% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. That season starred Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, and remains a high point for many. However, after that point, True Detective has released seasons that are far more divisive.
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score
Season 1
Season 2
Season 4 (Night Country)
Among all True Detective seasons, the second received the worst reviews by far. The third, led by Mahershala Ali, did improve the series’ prospects, but Night Country was welcomed with particularly eager reactions, with some calling it a return to form. However, it wasn’t without backlash. Though some reactions were fueled by misogyny geared towards the two female leads, Reis and Foster, season 4 also received criticism for its clunky writing and performances.
Additionally, following the release of True Detective: Night Country, original creator Nic Pizzolatto complained that the story, which he had no hand in, stole elements from the first season, and a few critics echoed this sentiment as well. However, season 4 has become arguably the most successful one so far, raking in the highest viewership numbers since its inception and bagging 19 Emmy nominations. True Detective season 5 is already in the works, further showcasing its overall success.