“True Detective,” HBO’s critically acclaimed anthology crime drama (back for a fourth season next year, featuring Jodie Foster), has captivated audiences with its gripping narratives and stellar cast, including heavyweights like Matthew McConaughey and Rachel McAdams. Each season unfolds a new, dark mystery with a fresh set of characters, ranging from the haunting landscapes of Louisiana to the complex urban sprawl of California. Here we explore the fitness and wellness secrets of the show’s celebrated actors. Discover how these stars, who have brilliantly navigated the intense emotional and physical demands of their roles, maintain their health and vitality. From McConaughey’s unique workout routines to McAdams’ organic diet, get a glimpse into the personal health regimes that keep these actors at the top of their game.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey played Detective Rust Cole in the first season. He shared some of his workout tips in an interview. “Like any mammal, we’re always gonna make it back home. I like to run 20 minutes out, turn around, and drop and do 20 pushups 10 times during the run back.”

Rachel McAdams

Rachel McAdams played Detective Ani Bezzerides in the second season. She shared with Trainforher.com that she is conscious of what she puts in her body. “I eat organic and I eat a lot of greens and seeds. I’ve always been conscious of what I put in my body and I’m finding it so much easier now to eat healthily on the go. I think there are a lot more tasty options.”

Michelle Monaghan

Michelle Monaghan played Maggie Hart on the first season. She shared her fitness secrets with Shape Magazine. “I hike in the morning if I can, after I drop the kids off at school. If not, I’ll go for a run. Typically, I’ll do 30 minutes, which is a three-mile run for me. I started doing Pilates, too, and it’s really challenging. I find that it’s a good balance for my running, which makes my muscles tight. Pilates loosens me up. I also love SoulCycle. I played a Spin instructor in a movie, and at the time I thought, There’s no way I’m getting on a bike. But SoulCycle had just opened in L.A., so I went with friends. The lights were off, candles were burning, and we were hooked. It’s like church!”

Alexandra Daddario

Alexandra Daddario played Lisa Tragnetti on the first season. She works with trainer Patrick Murphy to help her stay in shape. “Working out with Patrick makes me feel more confident in everyday life. I feel stronger and healthier — even more so than I did in my 20s,” Daddario told Women’s Health. “My back doesn’t hurt anymore, my posture is better — his approach is to keep you feeling good and your joints working. Looking stronger is just a bonus.”

Lili Simmons

Lili Simmons played the recurring role of Beth in the show’s first season. She shared her fitness secrets with Coveteur. “I have a trainer. I do weight-lifting mixed with a little bit of cardio. He kicks my ass. I love it! I couldn’t imagine life without it. I think women are scared of looking too muscular and I think that’s some bullshit. You still have a woman’s body. Muscle is muscle, and it’s good to be strong. I think it’s the fountain of youth to be honest.”

Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell played Detective Ray Velcoro on the second season. He talked about his sobriety to Variety. “I had suspicions, before I got sober, of how painful life could be. But I had no ability to hold that without being self-destructive and without living in it. I don’t live in that now. I feel these things that we’re talking about, at times. And I consider life greatly at times. And other times, I’m as frivolous as I was when I was 6 years old on a good day.”

Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn played Frank Seymon on the show’s second season. He talked about working in Hollywood to Drafthouse.com. “Nowadays it feels easier to make these comedies – people are more supportive in allowing it. Because you’re dealing with subject matter and topics that are adult-driven, you want to have that freedom to think and act like adults too.”

Kelly Reilly

Kelly Reilly played Jordan Seymon in the show’s second season. She did a “Day On A Plate” interview with The Telegraph. “We have a huge vegetable garden and I love working on it when I’ve got time off. Pick out a butternut squash for dinner. Roast the squash with salt and pepper (it doesn’t need anything else), and have it with roast chicken and veggies.”

Taylor Kitsch

Taylor Kitsch played Officer Paul Woodrugh on the second season. He shared his training secrets in an interview. “Day to day, it’s just maintenance. When I’m busy, I’ll try to work out in the morning, just fit what I can in. I keep it high-intensity with training and weights – no rest, I’ll just fuckin’ bang it out. I try to do it hard and fast. Right now I’ve changed it all, I’m doing a lot of bodyweight stuff. But a lot of what your body looks like comes down to what you eat when you can’t work out as much as you’d like.”

Carmen Ejogo

Carmen Ejogo played Amelia Reardon on the third season. She opened up about working in Hollywood and dealing with stereotypes to The Guardian. “You can start feeling like you’re the representative of all kinds of things – woman, age bracket, race – and to be able to liberate myself from all those shackles from time to time and just do what feels exciting to me in any given moment is something I’ve promised myself to do more of.”

Abigail Spencer

Abigail Spencer had a recurring role as Gena Brune in the second season. She revealed to Well + Good that she uses natural products on her skin. “I’ve always been interested in the most natural approach to beauty,” says Spencer. “I want the cleanest products that are the kindest to the earth, but I also obviously want stuff that works. When I’m using the right natural products, I glow from the inside out.”